What happened when I got Botox at 24

I was always the teenager who said, "When I'm rich, I'm totally getting a boob job."
By the time I got out of high school I was completely over that phase and replaced that statement with, "I'm never getting any kind work done." Plastic surgery scared the ever living hell out of me and I was determined needles would never poke or prod me to turn me into somebody else. Botched nose job? No thanks. Leaking breast implant (which actually happened to a family member)? Hell no.
And then I entered my current profession, where we hold regular Botox parties at our spa.
The first party that occurred after I started working was an awesome opportunity for me to meet new clients and just network. I planned on getting to know the doctor, sipping wine and handing out business cards. Instead, I ended up in the chair with the doctor poking needles into my forehead.
It was by far the weirdest thing I've ever done to my body.
I've always had lines in my forehead but I've never thought about them. I long ago accepted my skin and just saw them as a part of me. But when I realized the doctor had bought a certain amount of units to use at the party and she would be wasting money if I didn't join in, my guilt kicked in and I went for it.
Needles don't really bother me but having eight sticks in my forehead was annoying. It didn't actually hurt but there was a small amount of bleeding. The thing nobody tells you about Botox is, you can actually hear it being put inside of you. The crunching noise made me want to run from the room.
The procedure didn't even take five minutes and I could immediately drive home. For the next five hours I had to remain upright (no laying down) and the only side effects I had that night were a headache and some nausea. The headache remained for the next few days and while it wasn't horrible, it was enough to keep me from doing it again.
After about a week, I found I couldn't move my forehead up and down, which really freaked me out. Motion resumed maybe at the two or three week mark. And my lines had disappeared!

On the left is before, upper right is after three days and below is after a week. I will say I loved the results. I've had those lines as long as I can remember so it was strange seeing a completely smooth forehead.
But, nobody noticed. Which was not a problem by any means. But it made me realize, if nobody noticed how flawless my forehead was, they probably didn't even notice the lines to begin with. So why go through that again?
People get Botox for tons of reasons and I don't knock them for it. Personally, it just isn't my thing. But after three tattoos and six piercings, I'll try anything.
What would you get Botox for? Have you ever had any kind of plastic surgery done? Let me know your experience!