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Why estheticians aren't interested in your work-from-home skincare business

Why estheticians aren't interested in your work-from-home skincare business.

My Facebook newsfeed has turned into a giant billboard for a slew of products, from Rodan and Fields to It Works. I'm not sure when this shift happened but I see posts from people all.the.time about how this product is "guaranteed to make your lashes grow!" or "shrink your tummy in just 7 days!"

To be honest, it's annoying.

I'm a product junkie, for sure. And I was even once part of this group, trying to sell "amazing products" that will give immediate results. But the thing is, if you take a look at the ingredient lists of many of these companies, you'll find it's just a bunch of junk.

Being a licensed professional in a world where suddenly everybody supposedly knows how to fix your skin is a struggle. Everybody and their mother claims to know how you can instantly get rid of your acne or wrinkles. But these people have not been trained, educated and more importantly, have not tested through their state to ensure they are ready to give people professional advice.

So no, I don't want to try your skincare line. I have my own that I am trained to use and that I KNOW works. Erika Lauren has a fantastic article from an esthetician's point of view on the growing MLM trend. Check it out here. And maybe think of it when you're tempted to join the industry that is essentially taking business away from the true professionals.


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